Wednesday, January 19, 2011

BLECH! vent. Warning: whiney-pants entry.

Morning sickness SUCKS!   I'm looking forward to labor at this point.  Any amount of pain for less than 24 hours has got to be more tolerable than 24/7 nausea for 6 weeks or more.

Not only is "morning sickness" a misnomer, but it gets worse as you get hungry, which is pretty much all the time when you're pregnant.  And nothing. sounds. good. to. eat.  Lemons, ginger, crackers, etc = old wives tales.  At least I can take Tylenol!  Ha.

Thank goodness for an understanding hubby.  You're the best, wombat!  Thank you for carrying everything, cooking me food and finishing it when I can't, and being patient when I don't feel good and whine :)