Discovering her hand last week
Smiling at her caterpillar toy
Another hand discovery this week
Dad being silly with her
This has been a big week for both of us - BugBat hit her 6 week growth spurt, and only let me sleep about 4 hours a night while she nursed like crazy, but it's been worth it to see her rapid development this week. Her eyes are focusing much better now, and she can keep herself occupied for 10 minutes at a time by staring at things and studying them while she's awake, as opposed to wanting to be held constantly. We are also starting a gentle transition to her crib for naps, and she will stare at the mobile above her head and coo at it until she falls asleep (unfortunately only for 20 minutes before waking and crying for attention again). She's also discovering her hands (see videos supra) and grabbing at her toys now, which is really fun!
As for me, I'm beginning to catch up with work and taking things home to study, while going into the office with her every other day for half a day. Sometimes I end up working excruciatingly slow by typing with one hand and holding her with the other, but at least I feel like I'm trying to get back into the swing of things for next week when she goes to family care. I've been dreading this point, when she's 6 weeks old and ready for babysitting, but I think it will actually be really good for me to have a break from her every once in awhile (we're starting out slow, with only 8 hours a week of care), and it will be good that BugBat gets used to the family care early, before she develops separation anxiety. We also REALLY like our family care provider, someone I have known since high school, who has two children of her own, is educated in early childhood development, and has a structured and organic household for the kids. We went for a visit last week during a busy day, and the kids were so sweet and well-behaved, so we feel really good about it.
Yesterday happened to be a bad day, however, we received bad news at the office, that one of our most valued coworkers was leaving us to work at the local medical center (congrats Nan, but we're going to miss you!), and then, after I came home from work, I found our papillion dog, Jack, at the bottom of the stairs refusing to come up and acting unsteady on his feet. I tried to pick him up, but he yelped in pain, so at the end of an already long day, I rushed him to the vet with BugBat in tow, wondering how on earth I was going to carry both of them into the clinic.....luckily, Wombat was able to meet me there and the vet was able to prescribe some steroids for Jack's inflamed disc in his back, apparently a recurring condition he has. Whew, what a week. I don't know how single mothers do it. Thank goodness that Wombat's business is also doing quite well so far, and I may be able to remain a part-time attorney and's hoping!