Monday, April 4, 2011

Working Weekend

Actually the title is misleading, Wombat did most of the work while I researched and shopped online (oh darn!).   But now the nursery is well on it's way just in time for Wombat's mom to visit this Thursday!  We thought she'd like to see it while she's here since she probably won't be back until after BugBat is born.  Wombat did a great job patching a hole in the wall on Saturday, and giving the room two coats of paint yesterday in this lovely gender-neutral Jersey Cream from Sherwin Williams:

It's a touch more yellow than it looks online, which is exactly what we wanted.   While Wombat was doing the hard labor, I did some safety research in the new Baby Bargains book (if you don't have it, it's a must for great baby item recommendations) and discovered that the previous IKEA crib we purchased had a slight safety issue (a gap between the mattress and side railings) so we've decided to return it, luckily still packed in the box, and exchange it for another IKEA crib that is very highly recommended:

We just can't justify spending hundreds of dollars for a fancier crib when this one is very safe, gender neutral, and the baby won't know the difference, nor use it for more than a couple years.  Since we recently decided to paint the room a soft yellow, we thought more white and grey furniture would look great:

We LOVE the bookcase and dresser, and hope they will last a long time, especially since they will match anything.  The dresser will also serve as the changing table once we get a changing pad to secure on top, and the bookcase is large enough to hold not only books, but baskets of toys, pictures, and perhaps a stereo near the top.  The best part is this new color palette will match a rug we already have:

We're hoping to go down to Cinci for the shopping trip on Thursday, after our doctor appointment, since we will already be in Columbus and will have to come back through to pick up MIL around 5.  Just have to check with work and justify it by also purchasing a bookcase for the office.  It's worth the savings, right?  This way we'll also know the gender by the time we go down and can make any last minute color-changes if we want.  Huzzah!

To tie up the weekend and my new blogging hobby, here are some more fun pictures from the beautiful weather we had yesterday:

Jack and Atticus wanting outside at the first sight of sun.

Jack air-drying after his bath and trim.
Shaking dry.

Atticus 'stalking' the bird on the feeder (on the right).

Tiny red buds forming!

Paint-preparation.  Jack helping to spread the drop-cloth.

Wombat at work, wishing I was allowed to paint instead of him haha.

Atticus dozing after a long day of stalking birds. 



  2. Hahaha, thanks, Brian, you're awesome! Though what in the world were you doing up at 6:27 am?!
