Tuesday, October 11, 2011

First Hint of a Smile?

I don't know if this might be a real reaction or not, but it makes me happy regardless:

So BugBat's 3 week pediatrics appointment was yesterday, and although she still has to wait another month for her first round of vaccines, we received some good updates.  First, she weighs 10.0 lbs even (80%), she measures 21 3/4 inches (80%), and her head circumference is 37 centimeters (50%).  She'll need to begin taking vitamin D supplements since I'm EBF (exclusively breast feeding), and it's likely that she has a least a touch of colic, mer!  We got gas drops last night for her, and it seemed to help, so hopefully she'll get past this quickly.  She also slept for a record 6 hours straight last night....though it took 3 hours to get her to sleep, she slept from 1 to 7 am without a peep!  Huzzah!

Catching up from last week, Wombat and I also went on our first post-baby date on Friday, thanks to Grandma Chris and Grandpa Ron, who graciously offered to come over and be with BugBat at our house for a couple hours while we went out to dinner.  We choose our favorite local Mexican restaurant, and thanks to pumping and my cousin Sara for cluing me into breastmilk alcohol test strips  I had my first drink in nearly a year!  It may be hard to believe, but we actually didn't talk about the baby the entire time. We had to document the fantastic evening with a couple pics:

It may seem that this blog has turned into nothing but talk about BugBat.....well that would be correct, for now at least.  She's the newest, most exciting addition in our lives lately, however, now that we've all survived our first month together, I'm feeling some semblance of a life outside of parenting again.  I made my first car trip alone with BugBat yesterday, and it felt SO good to get through it smoothly.  We only went to Wells Fargo to set up her 529 plan, but I still managed to drive there without stopping to check on her (scary, because she's facing the other way in the back seat and quiet as a mouse), detached her car seat, carried it in with me, and got it back into the car without injuring either of us in the process.  If you've ever owned a Britax car seat, you know how awkward this can be since they are so big.  Anyway, after returned home, we couldn't go in the house yet since it was being exterminated for box elder bugs, spiders, and lady beetles (with non-toxic stuff approved for daycares, but still, can't be too careful), so I also managed to get her car seat in the snap-n-go by myself and we went for a lovely 1- mile walk down our road to see all the fall colors and enjoy the weather.  She slept the entire time. 

So back to the beginning of this post - I admit, for this first month of BugBat's life, I've felt compelled to protect her and take care of her, but I've been patiently waiting to feel "connected" to her, so to speak.  Most of the time, I'm pretty sure I'm nothing but a giant boob to her, but now, I feel like she's beginning to recognize my voice and respond positively to it (see smile, supra).  I can't wait to see some more of that soon :)  It still breaks my heart when she cries at night for several hours (colic) and nothing I do seems to help her.  The best I can do is throw her over my shoulder and walk for 2-3 hours on end.  And glare at Wombat as he sleeps, oblivious...  It's a good thing he's super helpful with everything else.  Seriously though, he's been great with meals, trash, laundry, mowing....pretty much everything besides cleaning, but oh, right, he's also working and running his own business!  Thanks, sweetheart, you're already a fantastic dad and we love you very much!

1 comment:

  1. I hate not being able to see him in the car too! Smiles are the bestest! I got my first giggle today:)
