Monday, October 17, 2011

One Month of Sweet Pea Love

So I'm posting this late, but most of the pictures were taken when BugBat was exactly one month old, on Friday, October 14th.  (EDIT: This blog post took me over two days to finish, not because it is long, but because I could never sit down long enough to finish it.  In fact, this introduction just took me more than 2 hours lol).

Faux-hawk again, she likes it

U-Dub cuddles

Step-Cousin Ella's first introduction 

Papaw, Ella, and Mimi

Papaw Bill

Wombat being a Kanga with his Roo

I'm not sure who likes it more...

Caught sleeping with BugBat 

One Month Old already!  Picture taken with our token representative, Chocobo, for future size comparison.

Her deceptively sweet and clean face ;)

Same day, different outfit (after the first one went in the wash, of course).

Choco kisses, by accident, but she didn't seem to mind.


Don't look at me sleeping.

The infamous bottom lip pout, finally caught on camera!  It always makes us giggle.

Grandma Chris came for a visit to allow me to finish some chores.

Thank you, Grandma Chris!

Some updates and stories from this past week - it's a good thing she learned to smile at us, because she decided to have a red letter week in the mess department.  First, Saturday night I was planning to go out with some girl friends for the first time since BugBat was born.  As I was holding her one last time before heading out the door, she spit up all over me (and herself, and the floor, and the couch), thereby wasting most of the milk I had just nursed to her that was supposed to keep her satisfied while I was gone, and immediately wanting to eat the milk I had pumped beforehand that Wombat was supposed to use for her later.

Then, this morning, during her first change of the day, as I wiped her down before removing her dirty diaper, she sprayed the entire room within the split second it took me to pull her diaper away and before I could get the new one on.  It went on her baby book, the crib, the wall, the floor, me, her new diaper, and the lamp.  Thank goodness Wombat hadn't left for work yet so he could help me get the mess under control....meanwhile, BugBat just SMILED as us and began what sounded like giggling at us.  I was smitten regardless...the little scamp! One day those smiles will not work on us!  Probably.  Maybe.  :)

As long as we're talking about ups and downs, I have a confession - becoming a mom is a huge transition.  I knew it would require sleepless nights, and messes, and 24-7 attention, but I didn't realize that despite going through all of that, I STILL wouldn't feel caught up on things.  I do laundry everyday now, yet, more is produced as I do it.  I didn't realize that there would be times that I could not help BugBat stop crying, no matter what I tried.  I didn't realize how unproductive I would feel, even after a long day of nursing, changing, cleaning, talking, paying bills, and making a crock pot meal.  I often wonder if I'm doing it right, if I'm too lazy at times, or if Wombat is a better parent than I am.  When BugBat falls asleep during the day, I spend half the time trying to figure which of my priorities I should do while I have the chance, and then I second guess myself on my choice to take a nap, a shower, work out, blog, write thank yous.....  Then on the occasional day that I have a chance to wipe down the kitchen and bathroom, de-fur the living room, AND wash the dog, I feel invincible!

I'll end with an analogy from Dr. Dave that Wombat and I found funny at my 4-week recovery visit, "You can now waltz, but not slam-dance."  Hahaha!

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